Thursday, 23 January 2014


Sir, what according to u is the Osho's message and why am i not able to understand it  ?

My friend .....

Please pay attention to a very basic and a very important point....all the ppl who have experienced or known truth or who got enlightened and went beyond it so to speak...are saying the same thing...and it is explained in 3 points...from Kabir to Guru Nanak to Buddha to krishna to Gurdjieff to anybody...all there expressions and words are just about  these 3 points. Their whole msg contains only these 3 things or steps as one may call . The only difference is that somebody is more elaborate and Osho  and Krishna and somebody is less elaborate like krishnamurthy or Gurdjieff.

U asked what is "Osho's message"

1. First point...the way it is, Life is pain, life is struggle, life is a continuous state of restlessness AND A DEEP INNER VACUUM. Guru Nanak called it "nanak dukhyia sab sansaar...everybody is suffering."...and since there is pain and unhappiness or dukh...there is a reason to it...this is the first point. And they go explaining how life is a a poor is also struggling and how a rich is also a healthy person is also complaining all the time and how a not so healthy person is doing the a woman is at unease and the same way goes for somebody very famous is missing something in life as the one who is totally anonymous...this way or that way...there is perpetual and unending unease.

2.Second point....since there is pain and there is a reason...the reason can be found, understood and thus eliminated...and this uneasiness or insecurity can be sorted out. And masters have told so many ways and meditation techniques to get rid of this reason of suffering and  reach the permanent state of bliss...some call it "finding urself"..."who am i"...some call it "disappearing in one"...some call it knowing god...some call it becoming shunya...some say it reaching the consciousness or atma...some call it your true self....n on n on........

3. to know that one has reached ...or one is liberated or one knows.....and what happens if one reaches the state of truth...and mystics have gone great lengths describing this state of "becoming love" becoming one" "the state of ecstasy for no reasons".

So Osho's message is just about these 3 steps and it is somehow every  self realized persons's wrong to call it  message it's more like "their expressions"....their poetry...their songs.

So  firstly there  is pain and vacuum...secondly one can be relieved of pain by understanding the reasons for it and thirdly what happens when u get rid of all this suffering...that's it...story finished......))))).........

Now comes a very important point.......

See...out of theses 3 points, first one is very easy to understand...its easy to relate to it bcos at some point or the other everybody is going through this whenever a master explains how life is pain one is always in agreement...and one understands it.

Now comes the second point...the second point where "the transformation" or understanding takes watch the reasons of this vacuum and then to get transformed. Since this second step involves the biggest challenege bcos one has to change oneself go through a very painful process of looking at oneself without even knowing how to look at oneself...people escape this step very conveniently...just a few meditation techniques...few sessions of catharsis...few sessions of shedding tears....few discourses over a period of time...few mystic rose programes....the mind accumulate all the words and one feels that one understands and starts saying things which are to be visible on its own after one has reached. And then in real  life person falls flat bcos one realises that nothing has changed....still same reactions and heart breaks....))) starts meditating again and same thing a person reaches a state where one feels that one knows listening to the words and one also knows deep down that "one does'nt know"....and this is a very scary and suffocating position where a seeker loses the capacity to learn and listen....the growth stops this point one needs a real master and not a camp leader or a teacher....only the one who is out of this web can pull u out ......nobody else can...not possible....

And so a person generally jumps from first point to 3rd point directly where one starts talking abt bliss and love and silence and depth and nirvana....all that one has heard from the master or read somewhere. 

You can see it everywhere....u can see osho sannyasins sitting and talking abt these things everywhere but just 5 minutes and u will realize its all hogwash....mere transformation just information. One can clearly see the shallowness of what they keep on saying.

When i traveled to  different communes and met so many camp leaders...all the time i used to get amazed  at how ppl are fooling themselves...everybody was trying to give the wisdom to the other and the other was in turn doing the same...and both were grossly sad and empty deep down...i used to see it happening all the times...i saw camp leaders who took sanyas from osho and meditated with him....and still not growing at all despite so many years of meditation. It was so clearly visible...they had jumped from the first point to the third point directly without having gone through the process of change and transformation...and now they are guiding others....what to do...that's how it is....generally ppl try to become "a master"...without having been "a disciple"...but that doesn't get rid of this pain one has to go through a deep inner wash...absolute clean slate.

Now how does one miss the second point ...."the art of transformation".

Osho used to say that all my words are useless..."don't ever get trapped in them"'s "the one behind those words " which holds the key to all the secrets and bliss....but what happens is exactly the opposite....a seeker falls in love with the masters words and gets lost in gets so engrossed in those words and the techniques that one misses out the very first lesson by the master...

And hence generally a person ends up becoming a parrot rather than self will see parrots everywhere and gradually u will get tired of  and them and i m not saying these ppl are not good human beings....they r wonderful  human beings but no good when it comes to what u r searching for. Generally in camps u will finds parrots taking the camps repeating osho techniques and strange osho always said that don't get lost in words all these techniques are not required beyond the starting point..still i used to see all these camps leaders glorifying and telling lies about these meditation techniques.....kundalini  and chakras and heart centres and bla bla, they give such fantastic definitions and explanations that one gets lost in them ....pls dont take these things seriously....keeps on listening to the words and doing techniques but the main thing is "use them to drop ur mind...use them for "silence"...once u are able to drop ur mind and start moving into silence...then the process of "dhyan or meditation" begins.....the real game starts....))).........

The second step is the most important, don't be in a hurry to cross that....the day ur slate gets cleaned, everything is going be so clear that the third step will happen on its own...all ur questions, anxieties, search...will just vanish......ur dream will get shattered and u will be "awakened"...u will be OSHO........ AND THEN HIS MESSAGE IS GOING TO BE UR MESSAGE.

                                                            Prem Kamal