What is Raso Vai-sah.... and Why?


"Means Ras barse or  its raining bliss,
the one who is bliss is raining everywhere all the time.......,
the one which  never leaves when it comes....
that which never dies.....
that which can never be stolen....
that which liberates.........its raining....always....."

OSHO , the master - the master who pointed the finger to this  bliss, the master  who made the way to enter this bliss...the master who removed the dust from the eyes and made them capable to see this bliss... to become this bliss..........the master who showed this bliss everywhere...in tears..in laughter....in love....in life ...in death....in dance ...in stillness....in music ....in silence....


"...  is just a small way of paying  back the huge debt of gratitude that I owe to the master ,though no matter what ...............it can never be repaid back.....simply not possible."

"...a small gesture of love from a disciple to his master.......a small gesture of love to thank all those who have ever known the truth...all those who ever became the truth.....all those who tried to guide others to this truth............."

".....a place to make way for others to see and become this bliss,  the place to get the eyes cleansed for those who are interested in this bliss..........."




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