Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Balance is the key......

I wish to know how is it really needed to leave your work, home to look for a better conscious life?

No…..not at all........there is absolutely no need to leave.
If you don’t work, how will you manage your needs and if you are not able to manage your needs how will you create surplus.......and only this surplus will help you towards the freedom of time and space to begin with.

If you leave your work, you will always be divided, dependent and division or dependence never helps in the progression towards the oneness, towards the freedom.......

So...work and work with totality.......and then if a time comes when your instincts suggest that u need a break from your work ...then why not...leave it for some time and see and explore other avenues....don’t make your work as the only obsession in life. If you realize that just work is not enough then don’t hesitate to leave it gradually for something higher and deeper which satiates you.

Secondly you asked about the need to leave home.......no need to leave.......it’s not required.

Again what you would need is a break and this break is required for the balancing act.

You will have to need a break from the known at times, be it house , work, friends, relatives....and lots of other things.This break is essential because else u would not be able to see things from a distance and unless you see things from a distance your perspective will just be 1 point.

It’s like in architectural drawing......1 point perspective......and growth is about having multi perspective vision.....not even 1 or 2 or 3 point perspective but multi point perspective and finally the absolute perspective....

When u see things from close u can never see them clearly, your vision gets blurred.
Just try bringing the book very near to your eyes and u will understand what i am saying. Familiarity breeds contempt...in this case contempt of vision......

So to explore the unknown u will have to have a break from the known.........be at anything.
And if you are scared to go away from anything known, it would be like that frog who is sitting in the well thinking that this is the whole world.....then it will paralyze your growth prospects.....u will become static....

You will never be able to delve into the depths of the inner if u are afraid to venture and explore the dimensions of the outer...... and for all kinds of exploration of new...a break is needed from the old….from the known......there is nothing wrong with it.....

In fact the more u explore outer with totality, with jest.......the more u will be unsatisfied and the more u will be unsatisfied the more easy it will be for you to take a plunge into "the inner"....in to the orgasmic........into the deathless.....

So there is absolutely no need to leave anything......be it work or home.
And don't limit yourself to any one thing.........explore, grow, learn, see, experience and don’t be satisfied till you find that one thing.....that which liberates

Then u asked
"Also, what i feel is that if I spend a normal usual life which I use to spend earlier without being introduced to these things, there is a non constructive life you end up living and if you wish to live it consciously then commercially it weakens?".................

Yes u are right in your observation and understanding. If you just go on living like this......working 9 to 5 , doing the same thing again n again n again..........u will be trapped in a rut. It becomes almost mechanical. One gets up, runs to shower n tea n breakfast n.............on n on and this becomes an everyday affair. And then comes the weekend... same parties, same booze.....same talk, same set of friends.........discussing same things........and then even the weekends become mechanical.........repetitive and this just becomes the whole life.........non constructive, dormant, repetitive............

But if you leave this so called normal life totally.......u will be in financial dole drums.....which will complicate life.....

So it’s kind of trouble both ways.......out of the pan and into the fire.......one gets burnt both ways.

Well, then what to do.........
It’s simple...CREATE A BALANCE......
Work, utilize your expertise in the old to create the base for the new and then have a break to move onto the other side.

Generally we understand that either we can work and be of this so called world or we leave this and get totally involved with the spiritual.....No, that’s a very poor understanding of life and it has come from very unintelligent people. Here everything is spiritual.....just a little understanding is needed for that......but the key is to create a balance.

You have day and you have night .....and all other aspects of the nature carry a balance...and when this balance becomes perfect and it does.......surrender happens.....Surrender is the ultimate flowering of life...of everything.......that is the perfect spirituality.....the only spirituality which is total…. which liberates…. which everybody is searching for……….

So, If you just go on running outside, chasing what your senses are guiding you to.... life will become tiring, exhausting............
And if u just go on exploring the inner, you will become deprived of the colors of the outer, the juice of this life, the vibrancy, the dreamy structure of the world.............

Why to miss out on anything....make most of everything.....
Use the momentum of one to take you to the other.....and enjoy flowing in this movement.
Life is movement......isn't it......... 

Essentially it’s about creating balance.......don't just become uni directional........the whole world is there for you.........inner and outer.......don’t limit yourself.......  
But please understand one thing very clearly, it’s not possible to go east and west at the same time........when you go east then don’t think of going the other way at that time….and when u turn around don’t think about the other side......

When you work you will be materialistically rich and when you venture within ........you will be rich in an inexplicable dimension.
Don’t expect materialistic richness when you start meditating...............that’s not possible.

So create materialistic richness which can help u to  move towards attaining inner richness and when u r enriched with the inner....within the inner, it will make u more intelligent to be rich outside also if u choose to.........though chances are once u have a taste of inner richness …. the outer achievements will make u laugh....
They will almost become redundant when you see and understand as to how this movement of life is happening ..........that’s how it is............

Don’t leave anything......start meditating…. and then what needs to be left out shall get dropped on its own......without any effort.......

Further you asked
“ Doesn't the materialistic wealth  go with consciousness even if the work you are doing is on the same line?”

My dear, materialistic wealth has no problem with consciousness or vice versa ........it’s the ignorant  who have created the barriers..........if you are happy driving a Ferrari then no need to sell it to become a monk…. that’s stupidity.......grossly unintelligent....be a monk who loves his Ferrari......there is no problem, absolutely none.. 

And let me tell you another fact of life.........when you create a balance with going in and going out so to speak.....there will be a harmony in your life....and the harmony will guide you to what is right and what is wrong.....what u need and what u don’t need.............

                                              Prem Kamal

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